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Goodbye, School of Media

Well, today marks the end of BCU as I have let go of my 13,000 word dissertation and final year production project, Busk in Brum. Although this year has been tough with modules, exams and the final submissions, it's actually been fun (?)!

If anybody had told me three years ago that I'd have made my own innovative brand and service independently, I'd have never believed them. Busk in Brum has been a challenge, but I am proud of what has been achieved and excited to carry on my research into street performance and continue to grow the concept outside of the Birmingham locality. Not only have I developed skills in web-development, design, press and media relations and marketing strategies, I have also enhanced my research skills. Little attention has been given to the value of street performance and the impact of cultural policy when influencing the livelihoods of buskers, so Busk in Brum has also become a platform for investigative research and exploration which I believe is critical for keeping our streets live. A massive thank you to my tutor, Jon Hickman, for believing in this project and me - I couldn't have asked for a better person to help nurture Busk in Brum with!

Continuing with research, my dissertation may have taken over my life for the past few months but has contributed to my BCU Extra Mile Award nomination as 'Researcher of the Year'! Sharing similarities with my project examining cultural policy and the live music sector, my dissertation question read: In what ways does cultural music policy impact the political economy of local music? An examination of London's Grassroots Music Venue Rescue Plan. My studies in Popular Music Cultures and the Music Business have contributed significantly to this thesis and I owe a huge amount of 'thanks' to the BCU music industries team and my tutor, Matt Grimes.

As I say goodbye to the BCU Media and Communication studies course, I leave with fond memories and valuable knowledge and skills. It's been an absolute pleasure. Bring on graduation!


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