In a team of three creative entrepreneurs (myself, Tanyel Gumushan and Daniel Bradley), QUICKM8 was born. As the new smart device app, website and desktop installation, QUICKM8 changes the way users as listeners preview the latest music. QUICKM8 allows users to stream newly released music for free and before the official release date, but there’s a catch…
Uploaders make their own profiles to share theirs or their artist rosters music through QUICKM8. BUT, the song will only be available for a limited number of streams. Say they choose that the song can only be streamed 500 times, once the song has been listened to 500 times, it cannot be previewed again until its official release date.
The concept plays with scarcity, exclusivity and FOMO. It fills the gap between the finalised production of a song and the wait for release to the masses, a service like no other.
Whether it’s a teaser for a new album or a limited preview of an upcoming single, QUICKM8 will provide instant gratification for the listener and create hype for the official release. After hearing a song ahead of others and not knowing when you’ll be able to hear it again, QUICKM8 allows listeners to pre-pay for the song or visit the artist profiles for more information/further purchase.
As an innovative idea and service for the music industries to come into existence as an SME, a thorough proposal has been created. The proposal consists of mock-ups, finances, research into competitors, markets and costs alongside payment plans and concept development.
During this process I was able to develop entrepreneurial skills and talk to industry professionals like Alcopop! Records to gather their thoughts and learn more about working in a small group and managing a business. I can also consider feasibility and strategies in order for success, adapting these to research. With this, I also grew my pitching and presentation skills whilst learning how to deliver data effectively through infographics.
Read the proposal for QUICKM8 here.
Go back to explore my other projects here.